Easy Pose

Yoga is not usually the go-to exercise for men, most of us often prioritize other types of exercise in their fitness regimen. While it does not give the same results as benching presses and lifting barbells, yoga for men is another great way to boost muscle strength, increase flexibility and improve endurance.

Easy Pose is a human body pose app for people who draw or is learning to draw. Have you ever wanted a personalized model to show various poses while drawing animation, illustration or sketching?. What is Easy Pose? Easy pose, or sukhasana, is one of yoga's foundational seated postures. The legs are crossed and the feet rest underneath opposite thighs. It is often used as a resting pose or a meditation posture in itself. Sit with your legs stretched out. Exhale and bend your legs, tucking each foot under the opposite thigh. This pose is traditionally used at the beginning and ending of most Yoga Classes. It provides posture for meditation and promotes pelvic mobility.

There is still a gender stigma towards men doing yoga but that perception is slowly changing. In our current time, yoga is moving towards being more gender-neutral and inclusive, promoting the message that it is something that is of value to everyone.

If you’re interested to try yoga for yourself, we have tried and tested 15 of the best yoga poses for men to help get you started.

1. Mountain Pose

It may look like a simple standing pose, but the Mountain Pose is an active yoga pose that requires you to be in tune with your body. This is a foundational pose for many other standing yoga poses, which is why it’s extremely important to perform correctly.

How to do it?

Stand with your feet together and arms at your sides. Lift your toes and spread them apart before placing them back down slowly. Balance your weight evenly across the arches of your feet and ground yourself firmly.

Engage the thigh muscles to lift up your kneecaps, but avoid locking your knees. Inhale and exhale steadily. Straighten, lengthen and align every part of your body from head to toe without tensing up. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to a minute.

Why should I do it?

The Mountain pose helps improve balance, posture and focus. This pose also steadies your breathing and increases your awareness. As one of the basic yoga poses that are often used as a starting and/or recovery position after executing a pose, it is especially important to master this.

2. Standing Forward Fold

Photo from Slinky Guide on Pinterest


This yoga pose is good for beginners or if you’re not flexible because this can be easily modified. Once your body gets used to it, you can gradually adjust your reach and challenge your flexibility accordingly.

How to do it?

Begin in the Mountain Pose with your hands on your hips. Inhale to reach the crown of your head toward the ceiling and lengthen your spine. Lengthen the front of your torso as you fold forward.

To take any tension off your lower back, take as much bend in your knees as you need. Beginners may find it hard to touch the floor. If you can’t reach the floor, you can cross your forearms and grab elbows, or just reach a shorter distance of your lower body such as knees or calves. You can also use blocks to reduce the distance. Hold this pose for four to eight breaths.

Release: Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on your hips. With your core engaged, inhale as you flatten your back and exhale all the way while straightening up.

Why you should do it?

This yoga pose stretches the entire backside of your body from head to heels. By folding forward, you increase blood circulation that eases headaches, stimulates metabolism, lowers blood pressure and aids in better sleep.

3. Chair Pose

This pose might seem easy at first but it does require some strength to hold the pose. However, with enough practice, you will eventually find it easier and less straining.

How to do it?

For beginners, start with your feet hip-width apart. Inhale as you raise your arms above. Exhale as you bend your knees, bringing your thighs parallel to the floor. Draw your shoulder blades back and lengthen your spine downwards as you bring your hips lower and stretch upward.

Shift enough weight to your heels as you try to maintain your breathing. As you spread your shoulder blades apart, turn your palms to face each other. Look forward and keep this position for at least one minute.

Release: Inhale as you straighten your legs, lifting upwards. Exhale and release as you stand upright.

Why should I do it?

The chair pose helps you develop greater core strength and stability. It works the ankles, quads, shoulders and butt, while also stimulating the diaphragm and the heart.

4. Downward-Facing Dog

Photo from beachbodyondemand.com

The Downward Facing Dog pose is one that you will certainly want to try as a beginner. Many yoga for men classes will include this in their beginner classes. It may seem an easy pose but it actually works the entire body, building strength and increasing flexibility.

How to do it?

Start on your hands and knees. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart. Your knees should be directly under your hips. Extend your arms and make sure the inside of your elbows are facing the opposite corner of the mat.

Engage your lower belly as you prepare to lift up. Tuck your toes and lift your hips upwards so your body forms an upside-down V shape. Alternately, bend and straighten your legs. Make sure you lengthen your arms and neck with your spine. Hold the position for 2-3 breaths.

Release: Exhale as you bend your knees till they touch the mat so you’re in the starting position (known as the Table Pose). Alternatively, bring your whole body down while in the kneeling position with your hands tucked to the side or outstretched in front (known as the Child’s Pose).

Why should I do it?

Easy Poser

This pose strengthens the arms and tones the core and waist. This will also help bring blood flow to your brain as you bow your head down to your chest.

5. Upward-Facing Dog

For men who enjoy a strenuous workout, this yoga pose is an effective way to warm up. The Upward Facing Dog pose gets your muscles stretched and blood flowing before letting your body go all out.

How to do it?

Lie face-down on the mat. Place your hands beside you close to your lower ribs, with your fingers pointing outwards and elbows close to the ribcage. Inhale as you push up with your arms and slowly straighten them as much as you can, lifting your torso and legs a few inches off the floor.

Keep your chest open and shoulders back. Don’t tense up your neck; look forward or tilt your head slightly upwards. Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds.

Release: Exhale while slowly lowering your torso back down to the mat. Turn your head sideways and leave your hands by your sides.

Why should I do it?

Men doing yoga often prefer this pose for a lot of reasons. It is therapeutic for asthma and helps anyone with breathing difficulties. The Upward-Facing Dog pose also stimulates abdominal organs and strengthens the back, spine and arms. It has also been shown to help with mild depression, fatigue and back pain.

6. Boat Pose

Photo from DoYouYoga

If you are looking for a strengthening yoga pose, the boat pose is the right pose for you. It helps to train your balance as well.

How to do it?

Start seated with your knees bent and feet on the floor in front of you. Place your hands just behind the hips and lean into the arms for support. Lift both of your feet off, bringing them to a 45-degree angle from the floor.

Once you’ve stabilized yourself, lift your arms off the floor and bring them out in front of you. Let your palms face each other and arms almost parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds, improving up to a minute or longer gradually.

Release: Lower your legs and arms as you exhale. Inhale and sit upright again.

Why you should do it?

This yoga position is particularly beneficial to men as this promotes healthy prostate function. This also strengthens the spine, abdomen and hip flexors, while helping to relieve stress.

7. Down Dog On A Chair

This is another ideal yoga pose that can be done by using just a standard chair. It’s a variation on the Downward-Facing Dog pose that is good for those with weaker wrists or hand as it puts less pressure on them.

How to do it?

With palms shoulder-distance apart, position your hands on the back of a chair. Slowly step backward away from the chair until your spine is parallel with the floor and your feet are aligned under the hips, forming a 90-degree angle with your body. Hold this pose for up to a minute.

Another variation forms a lower bend that allows for a deeper stretch. Put your hands on the seat of the chair or grip the edge of the seat. Walk away from the chair but your final position should be similar to the Downward-Facing Dog pose’s upside-down V shape. Your torso should form a straight diagonal line from your arms to hips.

Release: Slowly walk towards the chair again, bend your knees slightly and roll your body up slowly as you stand up.

Why should I do it?

Easy Poser

This beginner pose stretches your hamstrings, elongates your spine and strengthens the arms. It also opens your chest, which is really good for your chest muscles and heart.

8. Tree Pose

Photo from DoYouYoga

If you’re looking for a yoga pose that focuses on balance, then this is perfect for you. It’s a basic standing pose that is relatively easy to master.

How to do it?

Begin in the Mountain Pose. Shift your weight onto one foot and bend your other leg until the foot rests on the inner thigh of the straightened leg. Press your foot into your thigh and use your thigh muscles to push back against your foot with the same amount of pressure.

Place your hands in a prayer position at the center of your chest and keep your gaze fixed on one point ahead. To practice your balance, lift both of your hands upward in a V shape. Maintain the pose for one minute before switching legs and repeating.

Release: Lower your bent leg and return to the Mountain Pose.

Why should I do it?

One of the most obvious benefits of this yoga position is improved balance. This also helps enhance your concentration and strengthens your hips and the arches of your feet.

9. Bound Angle Pose

This next pose, also known as the Cobbler’s Pose, may appear really simple, but it does require some flexibility to fully execute the pose. It’s okay if you cannot open your knees up fully if you’re a beginner, but your flexibility will be improved if you practice this regularly.

How to do it?

Start by sitting upright on the floor with your legs extended in front. Bring the soles of your feet together and grasp them in your hands, either holding on to your big toes or interlacing your fingers.

With your legs open sideways, let your knees drop as far down as they will go. Lengthen your spine all the way to your head and open up your chest. Hold this pose for one to five minutes.

Release: Release your clasp on your feet and lift your knees. Return to the original starting position.

Why should I do it?

While this pose is known to be good for pregnant women as it opens up the hips and pelvis, it’s a beneficial yoga pose for men too! This pose stimulates the prostate gland and can help with erectile dysfunction. It also gives you enhanced flexibility in your inner thighs and stretches the groin, back and legs. It improves mood and helps you relax, which is why it’s great for doing simple meditation.

10. Corpse Pose

Photo from Yoga Journal

The Corpse Pose is a favorite in yoga for men — or anyone for that matter. You pretty much lie still and do nothing! But don’t underestimate this pose; this is actually more beneficial than what you might think.

How to do it?

Lie on the floor face-up, your legs slightly apart. Place your arms along your sides with your palms facing up.


Close your eyes, relax and breathe evenly. Be conscious and stay alert in the moment as you’re breathing; don’t doze off!

Why should I do it?

This position relaxes your whole body and provides you space of mind to fully reap the benefits from your yoga session. This is another yoga pose that is highly suggested for meditation.

11. Extended Triangle Pose

This beautiful, elegant pose is another common yoga pose. It focuses on stretching the lower part of the body so it’s great to do as a warm-up on leg day.

How to do it?

Begin in a standing position with your feet spread sideways around 3 feet apart. Your front foot should be facing the front of the mat while the other foot faces forward but turned slightly inwards. Align the heels of both feet in a straight line. As you inhale, stretch your arms to form a T shape, palms facing down. Exhale while bending at the hip towards your front foot; make sure to not let your torso drop.

One arm should be pointing downwards with your hand resting on your shin or ankle (if you can touch the ground, place your hand flat on the ground) and the other arm reaching upwards with your palm facing forward. Align your shoulders and turn your head to look towards your upper hand. Hold for one minute before switching sides and repeating.

Release: While inhaling, press down on the heel of your back foot and lift your torso back upright.

Why should I do it?

This pose enhances balance and creates a feeling of expansion in your body by opening up your chest and shoulders. It also stretches and strengthens different muscle groups in your lower body, including the inner thighs and hamstrings. It also stimulates the digestive organs, which can help in digestion and metabolism.

12. Seated Forward Bend

Photo from yoga.lovetoknow.com

The Seated Forward Pose is another basic pose that works as a common leg stretching pose. It does require some flexibility but it can be easily modified until you slowly build up enough flexibility over time.

How to do it?

Sit with your legs straightened in front of you. Inhale as you bring your arms above your head. On the exhale, reach forward as far as you can and hold onto your legs. Keep your torso straight; don’t round your back. Hold the stretch for a couple of minutes.

Most men will find this position a little difficult at first, but you can cheat a little by bending your knees a little or holding on to your calves, shins or ankles. Ultimately, you want to do this with your legs straight. With time, slowly challenge yourself to reach further and bend lower until you are able to wrap your hands around the soles of your feet.

Release: Inhale as you raise your torso back up to an upright position.

Why should I do it?

This yoga pose stretches your hamstrings and the entire back of your body. It also stimulates internal organs, so you get an overall full-body stretch. This is another good meditation pose as it’s said to have calming effects.

13. Plank Pose

You might be familiar with this pose as part of your regular exercise regime, but did you know that it is originally a yoga pose? Proper execution of this pose is more important than holding it for as long as possible.

How to do it?

Come into all fours. Line up your shoulders over your wrists and make sure your elbows face inward. Push the floor away beneath you and step back one foot at a time to get into a push-up position. Press your heels back as if they are against a wall, face downwards and keep your spine and legs straight.

This is usually done as a transition pose but if you’re practicing it on its own, hold for about five breaths. If you’re using this pose to build strength and stamina, you can hold it for up to five minutes.

Release: Lower yourself to a kneeled position and rest in the Child’s Pose.

Why should I do it?

This is one of the most effective poses that tone all the muscles in the body. It promotes stability and strengthens your abdominal muscles. It lengthens the spine, works your core and upper body strength, and strengthens your arms.

14. Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Photo by manflowyoga.com via Pinterest

The Four-Limbed Staff Pose is a great pose to incorporate into your strength-training exercise routine. If you are a complete beginner, it can be a difficult pose to hold at first but with enough practice, you’ll build up more endurance and strength over time.

How to do it?

Start in the Plank Pose. Roll forward on your toes, pushing yourself forward. On an exhale, lower your body till it’s parallel with the ground and your elbows form a right angle.

Face forward as you hold your elbows close to your ribs. Don’t allow your chest and shoulders to go beyond your elbows. This is another transition pose but you can hold it for ten to 30 seconds on its own.

Easy Pose Benefits

Release: Lower yourself flat on the ground slowly as you exhale.

Why should I do it?

This position targets your upper body, including your arms, core and abs. It also promotes stability and balance.

15. Intense Side Stretch

This Intense Side Stretch or Pyramid Pose looks simple but it does challenge your balance. Just like with many poses on this list, precise alignment and awareness of your body movements play a big role in allowing you to reap the full benefits this pose has to offer.

How to do it?


Start in the Mountain Pose and spread your legs about three to four feet apart, one in front the other. Your feet should be in a similar position as the Triangle Pose; front foot facing forward, back foot turned slightly outwards this time and both heels aligned. Keep both legs strong and grounded.

Square your hips and put your hands behind you in reverse prayer position or fold them and hold to your elbows. Inhale as you lengthen your spine and as you exhale, bend down while being careful to not round your back. If you’re finding it hard to balance, you can place your fingertips on the ground near your front foot. Hold this pose for five to ten breaths before switching sides and repeating.

Release: Inhale as you press firmly into the ground with your ground and bring your torso up, maintaining your straight spine. Alternatively, exhale as you bring your feet together to get into the Standing Forward Fold and inhale as you come up into the Mountain Pose.

Why should I do it?

This yoga position elongates your spine and stretches your hips, hamstrings, and shoulders. It’s also been shown to calm your mind and improve digestion.

These yoga poses can easily be learned alone or by attending classes. While yoga classes are dominated by women, you’ll see that an increasing number of men have started to get on the mat. This is because of the numerous benefits that yoga for men can bring physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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So if you’ve been thinking of starting or continuing a healthy lifestyle, these yoga poses are a good way to jumpstart your yoga practice.